

Frequency: 52 editions per year.

AppleMagazine is a weekly publication packed with news, Movies, TV Shows, Music and Apps reviews, interviews and original articles on anything and everything Apple. AppleMagazine brings a new concept of light, intelligent, innovative reading to your fingertips; with a global view of Apple and its influence on our lives - be it leisure activities, family or work-collaborative projects. Elegantly designed and highly interactive, AppleMagazine will also keep you updated on the latest weekly news. It's that simple! It’s all about Apple and its worldwide culture influence, all in one place, and only one tap away. Get AppleMagazine digital subscription today.

Acceso ilimitado a esta y a más de 299 publicaciones por una mínima cuota mensual.

Edición actual

Edición No. 570

30 de septiembre de 2022

  • Halftime Apple Music now sponsors NFL Super Bowl show.
  • Lineup. Outside China, Apple will produce iPhone 14 in India.
  • Regulation. Privacy crisis, senators push to reform police's tracking tools.

Edición anterior

Edición No. 569

23 de septiembre de 2022

  • Airpods pro 2. Turning up the volume on new features & improvements.
  • Rivalry. Space race, China adds urgency to us return to moon.
  • United Nations. Global education, leaders confront covid's impact

Ediciones históricas

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