

Frequency: 52 editions per year.

AppleMagazine is a weekly publication packed with news, Movies, TV Shows, Music and Apps reviews, interviews and original articles on anything and everything Apple. AppleMagazine brings a new concept of light, intelligent, innovative reading to your fingertips; with a global view of Apple and its influence on our lives - be it leisure activities, family or work-collaborative projects. Elegantly designed and highly interactive, AppleMagazine will also keep you updated on the latest weekly news. It's that simple! It’s all about Apple and its worldwide culture influence, all in one place, and only one tap away. Get AppleMagazine digital subscription today.

Acceso ilimitado a esta y a más de 299 publicaciones por una mínima cuota mensual.

Edición actual

Edición No. 459

14 de agosto de 2020

  • Back to school returning to the classroom safely.
  • What do the kids say? K-12 students sound off on school.
  • Huawei. Running out of processors. Smartphone chips under us sanctions.
  • Telemedicine shines during pandemic but will glow fade?

Edición anterior

Edición No. 458

07 de agosto de 2020

  • Huawei. A genuine competitor to Apple and Google.
  • New iMac. Ultimate desktop. Faster performance,SSDs, camera & audio.
  • New season. Back to school. Covid reshapes & reduces spending.
  • Google unveils budget Pixel phone as pandemic curbs spending.





Ediciones históricas

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