Stare Magazine
Frequency: 12 Editions per year.
Men's lifestyle and entertainment magazine. Sexy Style never takes a day off!
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Edición actual
Edición No. 02
23 de mayo de 2022
- Ariel Neidermeier.
- “The Art of Performance”, Ducati celebrates Made in Italy in the heart of Tokyo.
- Ferrari SP48 Unica: A new one off from Maranello.
Edición anterior
Edición No. 01
20 de abril de 2022
- Ana Espinola. Fashion Model, Athlete & Entrepreneur.
- Automobili Lamborghini supports Global Recycling Day.
- A stunning Sunday for Bautista who dominates both SPR and Race-2. Rinaldi twice P4. First historic podium for Bulega and the Panigale V2 in WorldSSP.
- GUESS JEANS- SS22. Lookbook pictures.
Ediciones históricas
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